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- Turning old into new. Security for years to come.
What to do if your transformer is in good condition, but the on-load tap-changer (OLTC) is after more than 4,000,000 tap-change operations at the end of its service life? This was the question faced by SISCO – Siam Iron Steel Co. Ltd in Thailand, a member of Tata Group. The answer from Reinhausen Thailand Ltd. (RTH) was the on-site installation of a maintenance-free VACUTAP® VM® in combination with a general refurbishment of the 42 MVA furnace transformer delivered by Tamini/Italy.
Every on-site transformer refurbishment is a tailor-made solution for our customers and of course an ambitious and critical process. But if the customer decides to contract MR as turnkey project executer, he can trust in the headage-free realization of the whole project. Our project team performed an on-site investigation to collect all relevant data needed for the creation of an offer with all necessary components and services. In addition to the offer a detailed project plan was provided, showing each step (e.g. de-energize transformer, cordon of work areas, open transformer manholes etc.) of the project incl. responsibility and duration.
After having drained the oil of OLTC and transformer the manholes were open to access the heart of the transformer. In the next step the OILTAP® M OLTC incl. drive shafts and motor-drive unit was dismantled and the new VACUTAP® VM® and motor-drive unit was installed. Moreover, the RTH service team replaced the transformer’s (PRD) with a reliable CEDASPE®, cleaned the oil conservators and the piping and replaced the gaskets of all HV bushings. Once this work was completed, the transformer was refilled under vacuum and the oil was processed. Finally, our specialists carried out mechanical and electrical test operations, performed an oil analysis, resistance measurement, ratio & insulation tests and prepared the service report with all important details for the customer.